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Articles by Tom White

Tom White

Tom White

Senior Journalist

Despite studying ancient history and law at university, it makes sense Tom ended up writing about cars, as he spent the majority of his waking hours finding ways to drive as many as possible. His fascination with automobiles was also accompanied by an affinity for technology growing up, and he is just as comfortable tinkering with gadgets as he is behind the wheel. His time at CarsGuide has given him a nose for industry news and developments at the forefront of car technology.

You know that feeling of regret when you buy a cheap version of an expensive thing only to discover you really should’ve splurged extra on the known brand-name version of that thing instead. A fear of this feeling can apply to anything from items as relatively affordable as clothing to larger...Read more

The Toyota Century has existed since 1967 as the pinnacle of the brand’...Read more

Wondering what all the hubbub about the Apple Car is lately? A new...Read more

Leaning into its popularity among private buyers, Ford has added an...Read more

Now with the popularity of fully electric cars (EVs) gaining momentum,...Read more

After years of speculation and a recent leaked image of the whole car,...Read more

BYD has revealed the third model under its luxury performance YangWang...Read more
