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Queensland heat melts car dashboard

Severe Queensland heat caused a molten Camry dashboard this week.

It was so hot this week Queensland has created a new measure of temperature – dashboard-melting hot.

On Tuesday, car detailer Wayne Phillips took this photo of a Toyota Camry's dashboard that had melted under the extreme daytime heat.

In his eight years of operating Wayne's Mobile Car Care, Mr Phillips said it was the first time he had seen a car get that hot.

Wayne Phillips from Wayne's Mobile Car had a melted dashboard to deal with this week due to the hot weather.

"I was in shock, I'd never seen it before.

"I've come across consoles get sticky to touch, but this is the first time I've seen a dash melted and look like it was liquid," he said.

"My young offsider who was cleaning the car at the time, put his finger into and pulled it out, it went grey from the colour of it.

I often tell people that when we get into cars they are incredibly hot and sometimes we have to open all the doors and windows

"In my eight years of doing this, I've never seen anything like it and I don't know anyone who has." He said detailing cars was hot work this time of the year, but seeing a melted dashboard took the cake.

"It was definitely unusual, but the weather this time of year is insane," he said.

"I often tell people that when we get into cars they are incredibly hot and sometimes we have to open all the doors and windows before we can get in and clean them."

Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Doug Fraser said the hot weather had been blowing from the inland, increasing temperatures into the high 30s and low 40s across the region.

"We are seeing westerly winds that are keeping things fairly dry, but at the same time, bringing all that heat off the land through the region," Mr Fraser said.

"Over the next couple of days we should see improving conditions, particularly into Sunday and Monday. We should get a south-easterly change working its way into the area ... we could see more shower activity going into Monday and make things a little bit cooler."

He said the slight reprieve should start rolling in by Saturday, although it would still be warm.

"We're expecting 36C tomorrow, and a little bit cooler on Saturday and Sunday at 33C, but it's still a bit hot," Mr Fraser said.

"The humidity will build a bit over the weekend, but at the same time the atmosphere will get a bit more stable ... which could lead to more showers."

Have you ever seen anything similar? Let us know in the comments below.
