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Limit to how much we'll take

We are going to get knifed again on new tollway charges.

Someone should tell the NSW Government there's a limit to how much motorists can be gouged. We are not a bottomless pit of money.

Motorists are being touched-up left right and centre these days especially by the government which has its hands in our pockets for indirect taxes such as rego and licences, extortionate traffic fines, stamp duty on purchased vehicles and other fees and charges.

They also cop a slice of the GST cake derived from motoring related purchases and presumably get a spin off from the carbon tax in some way shape or form.

But that's not enough. We are going to get knifed again on new tollway charges to the point where it's likely some drivers from outer suburbs will be coughing up $200 a week to get around Sydney. That equals a $10 grand snip every year.

We'll be getting a motorbike soon... riding on rat runs just like half of Sydney in their cars. And the appeal of bikes and scooters is becoming a little less easy to ignore when you consider how much it actually costs per week to run a car - most of which have only one person inside much of the time.

Including depreciation, fuel, insurance, rego, interest and everything else, a car like the Lexus LS600h runs to $1431 a week. A little Suzuki Alto costs about $120 for a short commute with no tolls or more than twice that from somewhere further out like Windsor with tolls included. Ain't cheap.

So with the bike, all you have to put up with is the weather, aggressive and downright stupid drivers, inordinate attention from the highway patrol, no crash protection and the cost of rear tyres. We might have to break out the deadly treadley or shank's pony...