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Tips and advice on how to make the most of city life. From e-bikes to Uber and EVs to public transport, UrbanGuide Hacks is your resource for advice focusing on urban lifestyle.

Is it illegal to eat and drive?
By Laura Berry · 29 Nov 2024
For quite a few years I commuted an hour-and-a-half from the NSW Central Coast to Sydney and, in that time, I saw people doing all kinds of reckless, stupid acts on the freeway while driving at 110km.
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Is it illegal to drive barefoot?
By Chris Thompson · 29 Nov 2024
Is it illegal to drive barefoot? What about without closed shoes?
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Is it illegal to wear headphones while driving?
By Chris Thompson · 29 Nov 2024
The rise of connectivity to our phones has seen them integrated to our cars as a major feature. However, this integration has come with a terrible cost thanks to horrendous crashes while using a phone
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Everything you need to know about car sharing in Australia
By Stephen Corby · 20 Sep 2021
‘Car sharing’ (or ‘carsharing’, if you’re more the compound word type) may bring about mental images of teenagers on their Ps desperately negotiating with their parents to be granted access to the family car on the weekend, but the truth is it’s something far more harmonious. 
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12 best EVs available in Australia
By Tung Nguyen · 23 Jun 2021
Australia still lags behind the developed world when it comes to the number of electric vehicles on its roads, around 6000 at last count. In Norway, with a population around five times smaller than Australia, more than 62,000 electric vehicles were sold in 2017 alone.
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Everything you need to know to pass your driving test (update)
By Stephen Corby · 17 May 2021
Here's a guide to getting you car driving licence in the various states and territories of Australia
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Best micro cars in Australia
By Andrew Chesterton · 07 Oct 2020
Micros cars have just never had the best of reputations here in Australia. In Europe, for example, they're embraced by people of all ages as the perfect way to navigate cramped cities - and why not? They're small, so they're easy to park, easy to see out of, and they're usually pretty economical on fuel, too.
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Best safe car buys for P-platers
By Stephen Corby · 14 Jul 2020
Before you have children of your own, you kind of imagine that the day you get your driver’s licence is a purely celebratory one. A rite of passage that leads to expanded horizons and a freedom of movement previously unimaginable. And yet, from the parents’ point of view, this is actually a mildly terrifying time. All the statistics tell us that the most endangered and likely to crash drivers on our roads are P-platers (and young men in particular) and the shift from them driving around next to you with L-plates and their best behaviour on to being out there alone is a harrowing one.We all know that teenagers being allowed to drive cars is a recipe for disaster, but that whole rite-of-passage thing means we can’t really justify raising the L-plate age to something sensible, like 25.Teenagers have tricky little attention spans, and in boys, the part of their brains that assesses risk is still not fully functional. Instead, they seek out dumb and dangerous activities, and thus putting a tonne and a half of metal capable of moving through space at high speeds in their hands is, at the very least, foolhardy.There’s also the simple fact that it takes time to become a good driver; experience in different situations and conditions, road craft, wisdom. And this is why choosing one of the safest cars for P platers is such a vital moment for parents, in consultation with their excited teen, of course. So what is the best first car for a teenager in Australia, and are they as affordable as a first car should be? Fortunately, the answer is yes.
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Top five city cars
By Andrew Chesterton · 13 Jul 2020
Tour the inner-city suburbs of Sydney or Melbourne and you'll see all sorts of jumbo warriors squeezing along tight alleyways, blocking tiny intersections and generally annoying people.
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Top four cars for dog owners
By Tim Robson · 13 Jul 2020
If you're a dog person, then quite often your choice of car comes a long way down the order of priorities.
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