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23 March 2018

Supercars are finally fighting for points at Albert Park, but they've gotta finish first...

By Mitchell TulkMitchell Tulk
STACKS ON! (image credit: ABC News)

Whenever the Supercars raced at the Melbourne Grand Prix in the past, it's been for no points. Despite these low stakes, we've seen some of the biggest crashes in the sport's history.

This weekend, teams are playing for Championship points and the Larry Perkins Trophy, therefore the motivation to win steps up several notches.

Here's what I reckon are the top five crashes from the past. Who knows how much carnage we're about to see?

5. Wayne Gardner 1997

4. Paul Morris and Paul Dumbrell 2003

3. Jamie Whincup, Karl Reindler, Taz Douglas and Russell Ignall 2012

2. Craig Lowndes, Rick Kelly, Warren Luff, David Reynolds, and Steven Johnson 2011

1. Nick Percat and Lee Holdsworth 2017

Who do you think will escape the carnage this weekend and win the Larry Perkins Trophy? Let us know in the commnets.